Reflection on 2007

I hope everyones New Years treated them well. My 2008  has started off better than 2007! Oh what a year that was for me. Time for a little reflection.

Hap you look like a surfer until you get in the water! Waiting for a ride, traveling with a board is a pain in the ….

This time last year I was in Mexico due to a HR/Immigration processing mistake with my Canadian work visa that couldn’t be reversed, even though both parties admitted they were in the wrong. So I found myself in Mexico waiting for my work visa to be processed, so I could enter back into Canada to resume working. Only to find out that it had been refused!

Me and the kids The young ones bathing

I found myself in Mexico, with no money, no job. After surfing in Mexico I found myself on the Mexican Guatemalan Boarder volunteering at an Orphanage. After that I flew up to live in Denver, Colorado with my now girlfriend Amanda. After a couple of months there we went backpacking through Colombia together. When heading back into America, my friends at immigration decided to deny me entry, leaving Amanda waiting at baggage claim and me a night in the cells before getting deported to Canada. After Canada I flew back to NZ (via Asia as I wasn’t allowed to transit through US) to sort out US immigration stuff to see if I could re-enter US, only to find out I basically had a 10 year band.

Me and Amanda in DenverTaganga on the not so great beach.

With USA out of the question, I needed money to pay off debt, the Western Australian Mines were booming, so a ticket to Perth was purchased. Only to cancel it a week before departing as I had a serious accident, falling 5 metres from a rope swing, leaving me with a fractured vertebra with strict orders to do absolutely nothing for atleast a couple of months.

Scariest moment of my life, back and neck pain and no vision.

 So what a year that was aye! But without all these paths taken, I would not be where I am now, and I would not of had time to create .

So I’m hoping this year will bring a less “interesting” year, although it did make for entertaining email writing, haha.

So the plan for me this year, is to “settle down”, work the year here in OZ. Amanda is coming  out in June, earn enough money for Around the world ticket, and next year its Asia, Africa ending up in South America and hopefully Antarctica somewhere in there.

Hope everyone well,

 Nuthin But Love Hap